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Cirneco News
breed news and updates
for the Cirneco dell’Etna
Cirneco dell’Etna
Web site created by ANHARBN ©2014



Johnathan Lappin wrote from Ireland that Eindackel Elentari CJW09 won BB and Import at Belfast Ch show.

Please remember to send your 2009/10 membership cheques made payable to Cirneco dell Etna Club to : Diane Clark, 13 Elwy Close, Bryn-y-Baal, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 6TY. Please put your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address on the reverse of your cheque.

Something that I have noticed with the Cirneco is how they are affected by nettles. My Pharaoh's and Ibizan's run through nettles without even noticing but when the Cirnechi go through, almost immediately they begin to scratch and come up in lumps all over the body. The feet are particularly affected. A good remedy is piriton tablets, I give one immediately and bring the dog in doors. Whithin a short time they are back to themselves again. Problem is: they just don't learn from it and off they go again. Where we live we have fields which David cuts every week during the summer but alas the edges run riot until the hedgecutter comes along. Another lesson they never learn is wasp chasing hurts but I expect that is the same in most breeds.

In Scandinavia, the Cirneco owners knit jumpers and hats for the winter months as Cirnechi can suffer from frostbite on the tips of their ears. Fortunately in UK we don't have such problems.

Judith Alan in London is now prepared for the birth of her new litter from Bellatrix to Tigger at the end of this month and I will keep you posted of the result.