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for the Cirneco dell’Etna
Cirneco dell’Etna
Web site created by ANHARBN ©2014


The Houndshow was very interesting this year as our ring was inside due to the weather. Unfortunately, previous occupants of the Hall had produced broken glass in the 4 rings so the committee had a full hour cleaning and sweeping which put judging back for sometime. The Pharaoh Hounds were in first so a new ring was formed under the bandstand so at least some judging could get underway.

The Import Register was after the Greyhounds and took us into the afternoon. There was a change of judge which was now Mr. C Thornton. Best puppy and Best Dog was Farleigh's Hadranensis Remo and Best Bitch and Best Import overall was D. Morris' Anharbn White Wedding. This was Bridie's 3rd Best Import so with her brother Anharbn White Tiger who also has 3 Best Imports, they can now go to Europe and see what they can do there.

Toni & Micheal Agnew and Danny Cullen's bitch Anharbn White Rose for Mwenga won the Junior bitch class closely followed by Jen and Bert Bayliss' Anharbn White Satin. Anharbn White Tiger won Open Dog.

Jen and Bert's Eindackel Elrohir was 2nd Junior Dog so the cirnenchi are standing their ground in the import classes.

Shirley Harris came up from Cornwall to the show with her Pharaoh Hound and bought along for the ride her Cirneco Anharbn Simply Red. It was wonderful to see him again and he was obviously thrilled coming out to see all his friends. He was in fine form and looking as good as ever.

It is not often that Shirley comes to UK shows so winning the Pharaoh Dog CC with Connor was the icing on the cake.

Congrats to all.