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Pharaoh & Cirneco Hounds
Cirneco dell Etna
Cirneco dell Etna
Cirneco dell Etna

Merlin (52cm) was bred by Ann Drevland in Norway, AreButNot's kennel and for the duration of his PET Scheme he lived with Wenche Overland of the AlMozel Pharaoh Hounds. He is a very lively and excitable hound that I am sure could run for the Olympics!!
Within the first 3 days of coming to us, he managed to climb onto the carport for a better view of the world but soon came down for a treat.
He too is a good hunter and like our other Cirnechi, he is obedient off lead and will come when called.
Wenche showed Merlin in Norway before he came here and managed to win Best puppy in Group and 3rd Best Puppy in Show on more than one occasion.
He started his European show career in February 2007.  
On Tour Results
Anharbn Cirneco dell Etna
Merlin produced the Blue litter  & Yellow Litter he has also been mated to
Anharbn Cinnabar at Anpusharian and produced 5 puppies
Azzurra of Bressars and produced 3 puppies
Irish.Lux.Bel. Ch. Are But Not's
Cirneco dell Etna